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Cabot Financial UK Limited - Hidden Tactics.

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  • Cabot Financial UK Limited - Hidden Tactics.

    Has anyone encountered any underhanded or unexpected tactics from Cabot Financial UK Limited while dealing with their court claims or notices? I've recently received a Section 87 notice and I feel blindsided. Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated. ___ This message was posted with XRumer 23 StrongAI - the world-best software for mass posting, registering, captchas solving

  • #2


    • #3
      I am assuming you mean a S87(1) Default notice. Were you aware of the account. It should have been defaulted before the account was sold to Cabot


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dottir View Post
        I am assuming you mean a S87(1) Default notice. Were you aware of the account. It should have been defaulted before the account was sold to Cabot
        ".. This message was posted with XRumer 23 StrongAI - the world-best software for mass posting, registering, captchas solving .."


        • #5
          Yes but my answer took little effort and may help someone. This AI is used to boost the position of places on searches so it’s a win win?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dottir View Post
            Yes but my answer took little effort and may help someone. This AI is used to boost the position of places on searches so it’s a win win?
            AI or machine learning uses probability. In other words if I cut my hand I will probably bleed! But it is now being used to Profile Cases in other words get enough Cases and a pattern emerges. If interested AI is being packaged with Commercial Databases.
            Today there are a few quantum computers in the world these are incredible fast.
            Goal driven doesn't mean human thinking or human intelligence. Machines don't think! But Case studies and patterns of Data are used.
            This sadly is being used in the adverising industry to push the, shall we say global monoploy's business. No such thing as free competition!

            So why give my advice is actually tell them nothing!

            I would point out that on Mars they fly a drone! They use AI because they can't control that drone in real time because of the time delay between a signal being recieved and sent. Same applies to the two Voyager probes.


            • #7
              In my opinion it matters not a jot if the post was created by AI . Someone might read it and my reply and it might help them, if so my time is not wasted.

              Offering ‘people’ help is never wasted. In my job i go above and beyond and know i have had a positive impact on peoples lives. I dont do it for praise but because i am a human being.

              you wont know this but i believe people on forums (and i could name 2) may just have saved my life. One was an evil old witch with a heart of gold, the other just amazingly supportive AND non judgemental.
              Last edited by Dottir; 10 July 2024, 09:03.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dottir View Post
                In my opinion it matters not a jot if the post was created by AI . Someone might read it and my reply and it might help them, if so my time is not wasted.
                Offering ‘people’ help is never wasted. In my job i go above and beyond and know i have had a positive impact on peoples lives. I dont do it for praise but because i am a human being.
                you wont know this but i believe people on forums (and i could name 2) may just have saved my life. One was an evil old witch with a heart of gold, the other just amazingly supportive AND non judgemental.
                AI is rather like the wave of new weapons which we see being trialed in the current spat of wars.
                Drones for instance capable of destroying battleships. MOB which curiously are transmitters and recievers with or without SIM Cards in fact you can log onto the Web including email with a non sim MOB. You must have already noted that web queries are using AI to target Advertising and YOUR choices.

                The really sad thing with AAD is laterly it has been targeted with SPAM this followed a spat with certain users who were later banned.

                If we couple AI with USERS then how do you know whether you are dealing with a TRUE or AI generated User? Certain Movies have used AI generated characters alongside real life actors. The blurring of reality with phantoms.
                Fraud and Identity theft are very real and sometimes decepitively convincing especially with hard luck stories.

                In a way the AAD Diary is an excellent way to weed out the phantom from the real.

                I do understand this paranoid fear of being sued!
                But actually it depends upon your circumstances. I explain the Courts will encourage parties to negotiate and the Court's Income & Expenditure will place Consumer Debt way below Housing, Health, Food, Clothing, Lighting, Heating, Essential Travel! This could open the way to an Court agreed settlement of say £1 per month!!

                Better by far than having a charging order on your home! Or Bankruptcy. A certain DCA used to use the Bankruptcy threat!

                1st Credit were in trouble a few years ago ( along with Lowell) for using SDs as a debt collection tool!

                Well when I found AAD I was very well support all along with wonderful AAD folks!
                When Ist Credit threatened me with Bankruptcy I was advice to send the LBA letter so know well know to Dottir asking for Notice of Assignment, Deed of Assignment, Default Notice, CCA, Termination Notice, Statements etc..
                Which I duly did!

                But I understood straight away why !st Credit were shot in the foot (as they say) It was the AAD Diary and my homework and paper work that gave me the answer!

                We will keep up our sleeve because one day IT WILL DEFINATELY help somebody else!!

                The point is not just engaging in writing or otherwise but learning and yes sometimes it would be better to end up with £1 per month on a Consumer DEBT in a personal name! I would prefer a £1 per month backed by the Court to the awful IVA solutions were new Debt is needed to pay old Debt!

                But to weed out the phantom perhaps AI generated from the True. Well the AAD Diary actually is a good way isn't?
                Last edited by Roger; 10 July 2024, 15:21.


                • #9
                  As you can all now see the AI is generating entries spewing them out its what this AI does!
                  Tried to explain this!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Roger View Post
                    As you can all now see the AI is generating entries spewing them out its what this AI does!
                    Tried to explain this!
                    I think you are confusing AI with algorithms. It is the latter that keeps trying to sell me hotel rooms in SF when I have looked at one or in NYC when I have already booked one.


                    • #11
                      No I am not!
                      Two approachs the Tree approach which is logical cutting off branches with information. This is what a medical does with tests elimate until just a few remain. This works also with Chess for instance.

                      But lets look at say language translation!

                      Read the following BUT look its layers!
                      Each layer is using Probablities the higher the more likely! How do you judge? Well its goal driven! In other words trained to produce a testable result!
                      Its NOT Intelligence but can imitate (thats where the goal comes into play)

                      In machine learning, a neural network is an artificial mathematical model used to approximate nonlinear functions. While early artificial neural networks were physical machines, today they are almost always implemented in software.

                      Neurons in an artificial neural network are usually arranged into layers, with information passing from the first layer (the input layer) through one or more intermediate layers (hidden layers) to the final layer (the output layer). The "signal" input to each neuron is a number, specifically a linear combination of the outputs of the connected neurons in the previous layer. The signal each neuron outputs is calculated from this number, according to its activation function. The behavior of the network depends on the strengths (or weights) of the connections between neurons. A network is trained by modifying these weights through empirical risk minimization or backpropagation in order to fit some preexisting dataset.

                      If you start using QUANTUM?
                      Well its still Goal driven! How else can you prove its corrrect?

                      A quantum computer is a computer that exploits quantum mechanical phenomena. On small scales, physical matter exhibits properties of both particles and waves, and quantum computing leverages this behavior using specialized hardware. Classical physics cannot explain the operation of these quantum devices

                      Now the Internet of course provides with large amounts of examples which can be used TRAIN (input) to train hence AI

                      AAD is clearly being BOMBED probably from One source

                      1/ Creates a logon identity (using a one off email source)
                      2/ Creates a Blog and pops in whatever! include using other languages to confuse.
                      3/ So to BAN one and another pops up.

                      Very easy to capture some site info from wherever and pop that into a BLOG.

