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So it begins

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  • #16
    Re: So it begins

    Originally posted by thatnamestaken View Post
    Thanks In 2 deep ! This is the one that Niddy advised me to send before but then advised to hold off as i have not actually sent a cca request yet.....
    One quick dumb do I actually copy the template letter...have tried to copy and paste but it doesn't work.....
    Thanks again !
    Try copy from here......
    Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action
    Dear Sirs

    Account No/Reference No: XXXXXXXX

    I write with reference to the above numbered account and note, with regret, that you have chosen not to deal with this matter despite my previous communication endeavouring to assist you in coming to a satisfactory arrangement to close this account; without the need for legal action. Do you need me to point out that this account is formally in dispute with [DCA NAME HERE] and has been since they, and [ORIGINAL CREDITOR NAME HERE] (Original Creditor) failed to acknowledge my Consumer Credit Agreement (CCA) Request, in line with s.77-s.79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (CCA1974). As you are no doubt aware, your continual harassment not only breaches the Consumer Credit Act (1974), but also the Data Protection Act (1998), the Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations (2008) and the Office Of Fair Trading's Debt Collection Guidelines. Being that the Original Creditor is now in default of my CCA Request and OFT Debt Collection Guidelines, I consider this account to be in serious dispute, especially due to the fact that whilst my CCA Request remains in default (outstanding), enforcement action is not permitted in line with s.127(3) of the CCA1974.

    The recent McGuffick and Carey cases confirmed that a lender should submit upon request a valid true copy of the original CCA. In MBNA v McCullagh; the Judge ruled;

    "The terms and conditions are plainly not a copy of those on the original agreement. There may only be one difference identified (it is difficult to tell from the illegible copy of the original) but that is enough. The obligation is to provide "a copy of the executed agreement". This plainly cannot be a copy of the original agreement. It is not open to the claimant to say that the difference is 'de minimis'. They have to provide a copy of the original (reconstituted or otherwise)"

    There are also several other recent cases that alleviate the Carey Judgment such as Hayes v HFC, at Blackpool county court in July 2010. She successfully overturned a charging order on her home. Judge Bell agreed that the reconstituted agreement was not accurate. Then you have the case of Kotecha v Phoenix in which Phoenix attempted to recover a debt owed on a HFC bank credit card. The appeal judges agreed the bank had not been able to supply an accurate copy of the original agreement. In Murphy v Cabot the recorder, Nigel Clayton, found the copy of the agreement was illegible. Similarly, in Paterson v Cabot Judge Russell decided the copy of that agreement was illegible, the terms and conditions were not the ones originally supplied. In both the Cabot cases they lost as they had clearly failed to produce a properly reconstituted document.

    Need I remind you of the law? In particular the remit of s.127 and s.65 of the CCA1974. Section 127(1) of the Consumer Credit Act (CCA 1974) is subject to the restrictions imposed by sections 127(3) & (4). Those subsections set out the circumstances in which the court shall not make an enforcement order under section 65(1) of the Act. Put simply, a court cannot make a judgement on an unenforceable debt without the original agreement, or at least a genuine "true copy"; ergo we're back at square one - all I ask is for you to provide me a copy of the original agreement instead of fobbing me off with excuses all the time. You will soon find out that all judges will listen to my argument when I quote the relevant acts of the CCA to them, also pointing out the recent McGuffick and Carey cases which confirmed that a lender should submit upon request a valid true copy of the original CCA. Yes, you are allowed to report the account "conduct" to the Credit Reference Agencies, but you may not enforce this agreement until you fully comply with the provisions set out within the Act, taking into account the recent Judgments and the history and case notes within said judgments. I appreciate and understand the provision of the recent Carey v HSBC {and others} case that stipulates a reconstituted agreement can be provided; however I am disputing the actual existence of such an original which means the Carey case is irrelevant as without one the account would still be deemed unenforceable. Carey only went to prove that if you could not provide an original, for whatever reason, but had proof on your systems/records that certain conditions were in place at that time then a recon could be submitted only in-so-far as to satisfy your s.78 request. If you do not have an original then a recon cannot be produced. Similarly, in line with the most recent OFT Guidance surrounding unenforceability (October 2010), you should be aware that you, as a creditor / debt collection agency the OFT has stipulated the following;

    Sections 77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 outline the information creditors must provide to debtors under fixed-term, running account & Hire Agreements. Under these sections a debtor can pay £1 to get:
    • a copy of their agreement
    • copies of some of the other documents mentioned in their agreement
    • a statement of account

    If this information is not provided within 12 working days the debt becomes unenforceable. This means a creditor cannot:
    • make the debtor pay the debt before they're supposed to
    • get a court judgment against the debtor

    Consequently, any legal action you pursue will not only be fully and vigorously defended, it will also be averred as both unlawful and vexatious. As such I respectfully suggest that this account is returned to the original creditor for immediate resolution prior to my seeking legal advice against you; due to the fact you cannot lawfully pursue any enforcement activities as the account was already in dispute at the time you became involved.

    If you decide to ignore my dispute and attempt enforcement, I will initiate legal action and file reports with the appropriate authorities including, but not limited to, Trading Standards, Office of Fair Trading, Information Commissioners Office, Financial Ombudsman Service and possible court action.

    I hope that this will not be necessary and an acceptable solution can be accomplished. I would appreciate your due diligence in this matter and look forward to hearing from you in due course.

    Yours faithfully

    I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

    If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


    • #17
      Re: So it begins

      Originally posted by thatnamestaken View Post
      Thanks In 2 deep ! This is the one that Niddy advised me to send before but then advised to hold off as i have not actually sent a cca request yet.....
      Right now you need to send off the CCA Request and £1 postal order asap! Don't send the letter above, you need the CCA first...

      Dear Sirs

      Account No/Reference No: XXXXXXXX

      I hereby formally request a copy of my Consumer Credit Agreement, pursuant to s.77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (CCA1974).

      I require you to provide me with a true copy, or reconstituted copy of the credit agreement relating to any account you deem to be mine, together with any other documentation the Act requires you to provide. I expect you to comply fully and properly with this request, within the statutory time limit (12 + 2 days).

      If it is your view that you are not the creditor, s.175 of the CCA1974 applies in the case of a simple assignment, and places a duty upon you to pass this request to the creditor. In the case of an absolute assignment, you are a creditor as defined by s.189. If you contend that you purchased the rights but not the duties of any agreement, you are reminded that s.189 of the Act is clear that an assignment is of both rights and duties. Your attention is drawn to ss.5(2), 3(b), 6 and 7 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR).

      I also remind you of your duties, in line with recent OFT Guidance (issued Oct 2010) surrounding Unenforceability, I presume you're aware that the OFT has stipulated that 'sections 77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 outline the information creditors must provide to debtors under fixed-term, running account & Hire Agreements'. This simply means that under these sections a debtor can pay £1 to get:
      • a copy of their agreement
      • copies of some of the other documents mentioned in their agreement
      • a statement of account

      If this information is not provided within 12 working days the debt becomes unenforceable. This means a creditor cannot:
      • make the debtor pay the debt before they're supposed to
      • get a court judgment against the debtor

      So, in line with the OFT Guidance, and the Consumer Credit Act, please find attached my £1 payment, which is the statutory fee - note that these funds are not to be used for any other purpose. If you are unable to comply fully and properly with this request, you should confirm this in writing at the earliest opportunity, and certainly within the statutory time limit for compliance, and return the fee and then remove the incorrect entry from your systems.

      I do, expect the main actions to be dealt with, as matter of course, and look forward to hearing from you within the prescribed time-scales quoted however, in the meantime, I require that you clarify your position on this point as failure to do so, even by omission or lack of a response, will be regarded as an attempt to deliberately misrepresent or conceal the legal position regarding this matter to which an appropriate complaint will be made to the OFT.
      Yours faithfully

      Sign digitally

      I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

      If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


      • #18
        Re: So it begins

        Thanks Niddy,a job for Monday morning then !!


        • #19
          Re: So it begins

          Originally posted by thatnamestaken View Post
          Thanks Niddy,a job for Monday morning then !!
          Yep get it sorted asap.....
          I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

          If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


          • #20
            Re: So it begins

            Hi all ! Have the cca letter done and ready for posting as advised.Have spent all of last night looking at threads and diaries and am learning ! A few questions though,sorry if they are a bit dumb but it's a steep learning curve !
            I have printed my name at the bottom of the letter Mr.Initial.surname,but what to do about "digital signature " this a scrawl totally different to my usual signature that is then copied and pasted onto letter? Or is printed name enough ?
            Obviously sending a cca is not admitting liability so at what point is it seen as you are admitting it when/if you go to court? The reason i am asking this is that I have a max of six months before this and the others become sb.....would hate it if it comes back as enforceable being so close to sb....or can it still be dragged out long enough !!! I know prove it letters used to be used as a delaying tactic but nobody seems to use them now ?
            Finally,after I send the cca tomorrow,would it be a good move to start a diary on here......
            Thanks all !!


            • #21
              Re: So it begins

              Hi TNT,

              Signatures. Never sign anything to a bank DCA etc with your normal signature once you have entered any form of dispute with them. They WILL lift your signature and "Photoshop" it onto other documents if it suits to their advantage. Since the misrepresentation of the Carey case has been allowed to happen and so called "reconstituted" documents have been produced and have got by the courts in weak LIP cases then it is dangerous to sign anything normally. I used to just print my name in whatever font the letter was written in. However some one got a bit funny and we generated new signatures using our left hands with a mouse in blue using Photoshop, (you could use "Paint). That scribble then gets cut and pasted onto the letter just above a printed name. Then it would be obvious if it was cut and pasted onto an old document, yet we could go into a witness box under oath and state with all truthfulness that yes that was our signature, not the one any documents involved like agreements have been signed with etc. Not nice but it is the sort of thing you have to contend with when dealing with this bunch of parasites and lowlife.

              Acknowledgement. If you use the texts here then you are making no acknowledgement whatsoever of the debt. The templates are worded very specifically to ensure that you are not entrapped by this. If it ever heaven forbid came to court and there were no compliant documents etc then you would defend in full against the whole of the debt. There is no acknowledgement there either.

              You have to remember what the author of the act actually said in that these people are large sophisticated financial institutions and if they do not comply properly in full with the Statutes that Parliament has laid down then it is perfectly proper that they pay in full the penalties laid down in the Act for such no compliance which is they forfeit all rights and benefits which may been due to them under a properly constructed and executed agreement., etc etc.

              Last edited by garlok; 11 December 2011, 15:44.


              • #22
                Re: So it begins

                Thanks Garlok.....would never use my real signature ! Will now create an artistic one.....


                • #23
                  Re: So it begins

                  I too was a bit puzzled by the 'sign digitally' bit initially. I just type my name 'A N Other' and use a different font to the letter, currently Bradley Hand ITC. Had no problems doing this way for the last two years.

                  Don't forget to send the letter 'signed for' and keep the receipt.

                  Good luck

                  One day at a time, with £34K of UE debt

                  LloydsTSB - For the (UE) journey NatWest/RBS Mint - (Un)Helpful banking
                  Marbles - they lost 'em - and my CCA, what a shame


                  • #24
                    Re: So it begins

                    Gave up yesterday trying to copy template letter into open office as it just wouldn't work with windows 7 so switched to other laptop running xp as that has notepad...copied template into notepad,opened then using open office,no problem ! However,photoshop does not recognize the text when i try to open it so guess I will print the cca letter out plus a copy for my file and then scrawl an unrecognizable signature onto it that looks nothing like my real one.....nothing is ever straightforward !!!


                    • #25
                      Re: So it begins

                      Hi TNT,

                      The way to do it is use the highlight text button on the template letter first. "edit" on top toolbar, "copy", open WORD, mine defaults in opening with a new document, make sure cursor is in the page, "edit" then "paste". text will appear that you can format as you wish within WORD. I run XP on this machine and "7" on the laptop, it works on both.

                      As regards signature, make the signature up in "photoshop" use the marquee tool to enclose just the signature "edit" top tool bar "copy". back to word doc and paste it in as an image, even better is use marquee tool, enclose just signature, "edit" "copy". then close the image file. Go "File, Open, New and you will get a window equating to the size of the enclosed siggy on your clipboard. "paste" it in. You then have a nice little siggy. Save it as a .jpeg ( I put it in the same file as the folder where I store our docs). Then just insert it as an image on any WORD doc you want at any time. It takes longer to explain it like this than to actually do it. Less than a minute tops.

                      Last edited by garlok; 11 December 2011, 17:36.


                      • #26
                        Re: So it begins

                        Thanks Garlok,will try that now in Photoshop.....
                        The problem I had with the template was....I opened the blank page in Open Office,highlighted the text on the template letter,copied then pasted it into the blank page....this then appeared as three pages long with pages one and three blank and half the template text appearing on page two !!! Will have another go and see what happens !!


                        • #27
                          Re: So it begins

                          Hi all,cca template sent recorded today,diary thread started.....


                          • #28
                            Re: So it begins

                            Hi All,
                            Have been going through lots of old mail and sorting and filing into sleeves old dca letters,fishing letters etc,and have found one,to my old address dated 16th June is from HFO and is regarding a Barclaycard debt ! It is a 72 hour notice of litigation with the usual threats of passing to their solicitors for issuing a claim in the county court....hmmm,think i've missed the deadline by a bit,lol !! As I can't see my credit reports as don't want to give my address away,there is no way of knowing wether they followed up on this or not but I have not seen any official papers from the guy who was collecting my mail....but that's not to say none arrived as the landlord could have returned them.Under the circumstances,would you think it's best to ignore until they all become sb,check my credit report then and deal with ccj if I have been issued with one?
                            Cheers !!


                            • #29
                              Re: So it begins

                              I would not risk activating your new address as a link to the old..... just leave it, if you're CCJ'd you'd not get this from the CRA's anyways, its called Trust Online who record CCJ's and Judgments...

                              This costs around £12 and is pointless for you, right now.. Let sleeping dogs lie and all that!
                              I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                              If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                              • #30
                                Re: So it begins

                                Thanks Niddy,will do !

