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AAD site??

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  • AAD site??

    Hi all,

    just wanted to ask about the site, I have been a member here for 5 or so years, had 2 claims and a HUGE amount of really helpful advice and guidance over this time from some really helpful members.

    Makes me sad that such a wonderful resource has ended up being a place for spam and bickering.

    I will check in and update my diary but wondered if anyone knows how to download it so I can keep a record in case the site ceases? And does anyone recommend any other sites for good info and advice??


    Lola x

  • #2
    Originally posted by Lola girl View Post
    Hi all,

    just wanted to ask about the site, I have been a member here for 5 or so years, had 2 claims and a HUGE amount of really helpful advice and guidance over this time from some really helpful members.

    Makes me sad that such a wonderful resource has ended up being a place for spam and bickering.

    I will check in and update my diary but wondered if anyone knows how to download it so I can keep a record in case the site ceases? And does anyone recommend any other sites for good info and advice??


    Lola x
    I, like you have taken a lot from this site and I think there are many others like us who sadly remain quiet possibly for the reasons you mention, for the genuine amongst us we're more than happy to subscribe for the invaluable advice we can access and receive, perhaps making it compulsory to subscribe with a subscription fee payable before being able to post would stop the so called spam which appears to have had a huge negative effect, I'm sure any genuine member would be happy to pay, read only is free for all.
    I honestly believe there are numerous people who want this site to be available and a success for members and long may it continue


    • #3
      The Spam bombing started more or less after certain members were banned.
      The ban's were simply because tactics and advice had changed.
      How to respond and or otherwise to DCA's and or the Original Debtors.
      Whether we like it or not the Law and tactics have changed especially the interpretation of Law. Case Law.
      Debt Collection is global big business. Buying bulk debts for pennies and against a relatively small outlay seeking to maximise profits!

      Here is the problem seeing your or my debt as an isolated Case.
      But DCA'S are handing a portfolio of hundreds/thousands of debt Cases and their knowledge of Law and tactics is bang up to date.

      The Diary format really helps if and when advice might be needed.
      Commenting on individual Diaries can be really helpful identifying known past issues and weaknesses and this can really help!


      • #4
        wondered if anyone knows how to download it so I can keep a record in case the site ceases?
        Hi Lola, I've been wondering the same thing & you've prompted me to actually do something about it :-)

        It turns out that you can print thread content as a .pdf document, but you'll have to do it a page at a time. I suspect I'll do the first couple of pages of mine to make sure I've got the actual diary content and then page through to grab any important updates or comments. On a Mac select File > Print > Save as .pdf to save the PDF document. I assume doing that on a PC will achieve the same thing but I don't have one to hand to check. I'll have a deeper look when I've got more time to see if there's something like a Chrome plugin that will achieve more.


        • #5
          Like, I suspect, a great many members of this forum, I have been silent for some time but watched with dismay as this great site has seemingly slid into some form of rudderless chaos.

          I came here back in 2020. Like so many, I was in a very dark place. With £45,000 of alleged debts, the only consistent advice that I was receiving from those in a supposed position of support was to take the bankruptcy route. Discovering this forum changed all that. Of my 3 alleged debts, 2 have been kicked into the long grass (one with the fantastic support of JCS) and the last one is now within 18 months of statute barring. I could not have got where I am today without the help of this site. Indeed, no other resource on the internet has had a greater impact on my life (and I don't say that lightly). I am sure that dozens of other members will echo this sentiment and this is surely something to celebrate. I was helped along the way by Niddy with his eye for enforceability issues and most notably by the fantastic Di Mayhew. This wonderful lady was able to devote endless time and energy (mainly via lengthy telephone conversations) to provide a full perspective of the issues and to formulate a way ahead. I was also able to take great heart reading of other peoples journeys and following their progress over time (and yes, Roger, the diaries were a great help in making sense of it all). The principal has always been that taking control of the issue, if nothing else, makes you feel so much better. In short, I cannot speak more highly of the AAD that I joined.

          So where has it all gone wrong?

          Being of a somewhat cynical disposition, I am normally very aware of the dangers of taking internet advice at face value. I need to be able to trust the site that I am using. With AAD, I was able to do that due to the comprehensive updates and the lively debate and discussion provoked by each members diaries. To be frank, I was reassured that I was in the company of people who knew what that were talking about and could expect some good, well balanced advice. Fast forward to now ..... I am sure that I would not have been confident of following the AAD way and would almost certainly been heading down the path of bankruptcy. The biggest issue by far is the level of bickering and infighting that we have recently seen in these pages. Not only does this erase any perspective of professionalism, it is also massively unwelcoming for new members. Unfortunately we seem to have lost a great many of the knowledgeable mentors. It seems that we cannot give new members a simple courteous welcome (remember the dark horrible place that many are in when they come to this site). And it is you, Roger, who is the biggest offender. You always seem to blast newcomers into oblivion with your demands for diaries and reminders that tactics have changed (what tactics, these are new members asking for your advice!). Yes, there is a place for a well considered diary but that can come later after a kindly welcome and sounds of reassurance. I am sure that Roger has a wealth of invaluable experience that we could learn from, but we never seem to get to see the benefit of any of it.

          The other issue of course is that of the website itself. I am not an expert in such issues, but I suspect that many of the spam issues are the result of a lack of housekeeping (and almost certainly not some bizarre act of retribution from recently departed members, Roger!). Nightwatch has done some fantastic work trying to keep things on an even keel, but as she has stated, personal circumstances are not really conducive to this continuing in the long run (Thanks you so much for your work and dedication, it is really appreciated). The only person who can make any call on the way ahead is Niddy and I hope that he is monitoring this forum and is able to reply. It is of course, your website and you alone hold the sword of Damocles as to whether it lives or dies. If I may be so bold however, Please don't let it die - it has saved so many lives and can continue to do so. BUT, we need a website free from spam, we need some committed moderators and a deeper pool of experienced mentors who can provide real value, particularly to new members.

          I think that the time has come for those in a position to make such decisions, to decide whether we are going to move forward in strength or to say that enough is enough and close this forum down. I hope to God that it is the former.


          • #6
            Lola girl Thanks for starting this thread. It's been needed for a while but I, like I suspect many here, have been reluctant to post in a similar fashion for fear of the possible fallout.


            Stevo62 and @DeaconsRevenge, I don't think I can find anything in your posts to disagree with and I think we've been on very similar journeys.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post
              Lola girl Thanks for starting this thread. It's been needed for a while but I, like I suspect many here, have been reluctant to post in a similar fashion for fear of the possible fallout.


              Stevo62 and @DeaconsRevenge, I don't think I can find anything in your posts to disagree with and I think we've been on very similar journeys.
              Now we begin! The question has been asked, if anyone can read the above and not feel the raw emotion and passion that does still exists amongst us then may be you shouldn't be here, that's what this sit used to be and the site is aching for again.

              I'll ask - Niddy if you still have it lets see it please, a genuine rallying cry, collectively lots of us owe you and your site a massive debt of gratitude and not a massive debt, something money can't buy and it seems there are still plenty of us that need this site and if I/we can influence you in any way surely the above goes a long way towards that and says it all, a big thank you from me.
              Come on, lets all get behind this new momentum and hope Niddy can also find a way.


              • #8
                Thanks guys for agreeing with me that the site has lost it’s way a little bit. Hope I haven’t upset anyone by raising it.

                I agree that ‘life saver’ is apt, lots of people have come here in a pretty desperate financial muddle. I for one wonder what I would do without the support of the site moving forward if it were to fold.

                Would love to see the site tidied up a bit and agree that maybe a small nominal contribution / sign up to be able to post and some new mods could help.

                Night monkey thanks for the advice re:downloading diary - I will get to it as it’s the only decent chronological record I have!

                I have found some of the posts and info on Legalbeagles useful if I’m allowed to say that and people need advice!

                Lola x


                • #9
                  @Di used to put advice up on other forums and her contributions were always interesting.
                  My own experience, more luck than judgement was following itty bitty advice without looking at the whole picture. The Diary encourages us to look at the whole picture of each individual Debt.
                  I think the change was the introduction of the Letter Before Claim which was supposed to benefit the Consumer but we understand has become used by the DCA'S to build the Prosecution CASE.
                  You have to very careful with advice don't you? Are you for instance restarting the Statute Bar Clock by making that complaint?
                  The industry hasn't stood still and neither has the Law but it really does help US and others to look at the whole aspects of the Debt.
                  Please also understand that some of this Law is complex amd has to be argued by Advocates.

                  So things have changed sadly and now of course A I is being used. Scams are more and more complex as well.
                  The best advice given to me was this need to document the history of each individual Debt so that if advice is needed the whole picture is available.
                  Before coming to AAD I clicked on a link on another forum and my machine and records were destroyed by RANSOM WARE!
                  Hence I am VERY wary of these SCAM dumps and also contributors clearly with knowledge but who are teasing for advice but never give the full picture.


                  • #10
                    Roger, I assume you are unaware that prior to the current LoC there was a LBA. Somewhat similar but less teeth for non compliance than currently. The current form is to reduce the burden on the court system not to aid the creditors.

                    Of course Di posted on Legal Beagles and why not? Her advice was far more than interesting, as said by others it saved them. I think it potentially saved some lives through her non judgemental and supportive posts.

                    Are you using the royal ‘we’?

                    If I may comment, you do come across as something of a conspiracy nut - of course debt is a global business- it is called capitalism.

                    As you well know, using the templates from here does not restart the limitations ‘clock’ and I for one would never have started my complaint against intrum if it hadn’t been time barred.

                    As for you losing all your files- that’s why someone on here said three backups, a physical copy, a copy on your computer and a copy in the cloud. Internet basics- do not click on links especially on FMoTL sites ?


                    • #11
                      I'm very grateful for this site as I'd never have been aware that claims could be fought successfully otherwise. The impression I get is that it has just been left to die as there are spam posts that have been up for 6 weeks with nobody sorting them out. I hope it does continue but I've seen this on other sites where they have just been left for while before they finally pull the plug. It will be a shame if it does go but I appreciate that it costs time and money for someone whose prioritites may have changed. I'm going to take a copy of my diaries.


                      • #12
                        I used the LBA myself prior successfully thanks to AAD. LBA was recommended but not obligatory.
                        The Letter Before Claim was introduced as Consumer Law. The advice was if received to treat as the LBA!
                        Following the Legal Beagles recommendations and I nearly lost my Home!
                        Think about this and your language, presumptions and opinions leave much to be desired.

                        ".. something of a conspiracy nut - of course debt is a global business- it is called capitalism..... As for you losing all your files- that’s why someone on here said three backups, a physical copy, a copy on your computer and a copy in the cloud. Internet basics- do not click on links especially on FMoTL sites ? .."

                        The sale of Accounts?
                        Legal Choses in Action: Enforceable in court under common law jurisdiction. Examples include debt claims, copyright infringement, and interference with contractual rights.

                        I certainly do not understand your use of the word Capitolism indeed it doesn't apply here does it!
                        If the AGREEMENT is sellable it can be sold can't it? With Banks Old Debts are written off against tax.

                        However the Agreement remains and in some cases can be enforced subject to the Law? This is the basis of the DCA rights to sue for what is outstanding on the account. Where does the Capitolism come in? The Judge would say you had the money!

                        Tactics have changed and advice is worth listenng to especially when dealing with volunerable and fragile people.
                        The problem is STARTING CORRESPONDENCE when current advice would be more sensible.
                        So we go back again to the AAD Diary format as a basis for getting Advice!

                        I would strongly advise a quiet and reflective reading of the following.

                        Gerry Jemitus July 2024

                        Originally posted by Gerry Jemitus View Post
                        I appreciate that the objective of most people on AAD is to avoid legal action, which is entirely understandable, but some of the posts referred to go back many years and so may not be as relevant today.
                        As a solicitors firm that specialises in defending consumer credit claims, our position is somewhat different. First of all, we are happy to advise clients, and we do not restrict this to one 30 minute phone call.
                        Of the many claims that come to us to defend, some have been started by the defendant before they come to us. They may file an acknowledgment of service and defence, but then decide to get professional help as directions questionnaires become due, or as a hearing looms. From our perspective, these cases are more difficult and generally more expensive to defend.
                        We invariably have to file an application to amend the defence which now costs £303. In some instances, errors in documentation may have already been brought to the attention of the claimant, giving them the opportunity to correct issues such as illegible copies etc.
                        Responding to the LBC may help the defendant in cases where the claimant cannot obtain or produce the relevant paperwork, but if the claimant can put together documentation it puts them in a stronger position, and thus more likely to proceed to issue, as they have a better case prepared.
                        Hence it is a double-edged sword, and there is no simple answer. If interaction stops the claimant from issuing, that is a great result, but if it doesn't, it can make the job of defending the claim more difficult, it can be more expensive and it generally takes longer.
                        A word of caution, do not assume that lack of documentation means a claimant will not issue proceedings, We have had a number of cases where claimants have employed high level barristers to argue that they do not need to provide complaint s 77-79 documentation on a closed account. We have successfully defended these on each occasion, but there is no decided case law on this so each case will be determined by a DJ based on the missions put forward.


                        • #13
                          Sadly you have just proven the points made by posters above including Lola girl, Night Monkey and Deacons revenge.

                          You do not speak for the forum or its policies, neither does Gerry who someone else noted was an IT and not a legal expert.

                          You do not understand Capitalism , it is the way our economy works and includes debt.

                          Finally the letter of claim was not introduced under consumer law but as a Practice Direct - Pre Action Conduct and Protocols under the civil procedure rules.


                          • #14
                            Back to the same old argument about the legal position. I think we all agree that the legal situation is different for each person as their circumstances both personal and what has resulted in a claim may be. And that a good diary/ record keeping is essential.

                            However my post was not to look at the merits of people’s opinions. Rather to say that a few years ago those who posted were advised, supported and given ‘personal’ experiences of those who had been in similar situations. This is now lost in my opinion.

                            Yes the diary is useful if you need to take legal advice and jog memory about what has occurred over the years. But honestly new people aren’t going to post up when there is no support or advice.

                            I get that things change and without the mods and site ownership it’s unlikely to be as successful long term. I just think it’s a real shame. And also leaves some of us in a bit of limbo who are in the middle of our journey with ADD.



                            • #15
                              A few years ago! My sympathy of course but its about relevancy today isn't it?

                              Lets see for example personal Spam and bickering
                              Sadly you have just proven the points made by posters above including Lola girl, Night Monkey and Deacons revenge.
                              You do not speak for the forum or its policies, neither does Gerry who someone else noted was an IT and not a legal expert.
                              You do not understand Capitalism , it is the way our economy works and includes debt.
                              Finally the letter of claim was not introduced under consumer law but as a Practice Direct - Pre Action Conduct and Protocols under the civil procedure rules.

                              Originally posted by Lola girl View Post
                              Hi all,
                              just wanted to ask about the site, I have been a member here for 5 or so years, had 2 claims and a HUGE amount of really helpful advice and guidance over this time from some really helpful members.
                              Makes me sad that such a wonderful resource has ended up being a place for spam and bickering.
                              I will check in and update my diary but wondered if anyone knows how to download it so I can keep a record in case the site ceases? And does anyone recommend any other sites for good info and advice??
                              Lola x
                              I too have had a HUGE amount of really helpful advice and guidance and have a great respect for AAD

                              As for a copy of your Diary thats really easy go to your Diary entry and press the Quote Button then simply copy the whole of your entry in whatever Word , Notepad etc.. then cancel the Quote!

                              The other sites of course suffer from the same problems of current revelance don't they!

