Originally posted by troytess
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Hello Andy

Drydens Fairfax are a law firm who also double as a DCA (Debt Collection Agent). It won't have been assigned (i.e. sold) to them.
I would be more open minded about the potential for this debt to be unenforceable. There can be other reasons apart from the credit agreement which you have been told looks enforceable.
You say you were defaulted in 2010, so did you receive a compliant Default Notice prior to that if applicable?
Last year you made a complaint to Santander, about interest rate hikes, which wasn't upheld - no surprises there. You didn't escalate your complaint to the FOS so now you will be out of time (you had six months from the Final Response to do that).
You say you stopped paying the debt last year, so when (what date) was that exactly as the countdown to Statute Barred begins?
Post on the forum when you hear again from DrydensFairfax but I wouldn't engage in a long conversation with the firm since it may simply give them information which could strengthen their case if they decide to issue legal proceedings against you.
If they intend to issue a county court claim they must send you a formal Letter of Claim giving you 30 days to reply (or not) before they can take things further. If that happens then let me know.
Less is more when dealing with debt issues.