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Lowel/BW Legal Decree

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  • Lowel/BW Legal Decree

    Hi wondering if anyone can help, I received a simple procedure claims form back in December and ignored it still not sure if it was genuine forms or not as there was no court stand or signature on it, I have now received an email and a letter saying a decree was granted on me on the 12th of march but from what i read online a court officer should serve a decree to me is this true ?

    I have not received any charge for payment forms and i have checked with Trust online and also on my experian credit fire there is no decree on my record would it take them 2 months to update this if it was granted in march ?

  • #2
    Originally posted by 0ziedude88 View Post
    I received a simple procedure claims form back in December and ignored it still not sure if it was genuine forms or not as there was no court stand or signature on it, I have now received an email and a letter saying a decree was granted on me on the 12th of march but from what i read online a court officer should serve a decree to me is this true ?

    How did you receive the claim/writ? Was it in the post or was it put through your letterbox (i.e. hand delivered in your absence)?

    Would I be right in thinking you live in Scotland?

    The Claimant was Lowell, the solicitors were BW Legal, but who was the original creditor since the debt has been assigned?



    • #3
      The simple procedure claim form was through the letter box no signatures etc and yes Im in Scotland, the origonal company was shop finance ( very catologue )

