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DCA or Debt Purchaser

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  • DCA or Debt Purchaser

    There seems to be some confusion over the difference between debt purchasers and debt collectors (DCA).

    A debt purchaser buys debts from banks and credit card companies. This is all legal and if you read the terms and conditions, banks can do this-it is called assignment. Examples are PRA, Lowell, Intrum. These firms can and do take people to court- but not always. They should send you a many paged letter of claim beforehand. Do not ignore this. Ask for help on here.

    What they do first is often to ask a DCA to collect , these firms have no powers but try to stress you and bully you into paying. Examples are Moorcroft, capquest and resolvecall. If you ignore them they will usually return your account to their client.

    It is worth knowing the difference.
