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Arrow Global Guernsey

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  • #31
    And i've recieved this , this morning :

    Click image for larger version

Name:	ag1.jpg
Views:	126
Size:	150.3 KB
ID:	1545353


    • #32
      Looks like everyone from Arrow Global Limited, Capquest, and now Drydens are all servicing this account on behalf of Arrow Global Guernsey !!


      • #33
        I refer to my earlier entry!

        Arrow Global Guernsey Ltd is expressly mentioned as the OWNER in the Statement of Account!
        sent by Drydensfairfax

        You mention ".. Arrow Global Guernsey Ltd. ..",
        Arrow own ".. Drydensfairfax .."
        For your record purposes Note the following
        Sam Audley
        If you have received a letter of claim or a County Court Claim from Arrow or Capquest or Arrow or Capquest have obtained a default judgment against you, these claims can be defended. Our view is that these companies once they issue county court proceedings must show us and the courts that they have complied with the statutory requirements of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) and the Law of Property Act 1925. If they have not, then they are not legally entitled to enforce these debts.


        The Original Debt with MBNA will have been written Off for Tax purposes and NOLONGER exists.
        Arrow brought this for pennies in the Pound
        I presume you have been paying £20 per month since when? say December 2011
        Well thats £240 per year for say 10 years (Dec 2021) £2400 plus say 7 months from Dec 2011 todate @ £20 = + £140 Totalling £2540 todate on a DEBT that doesn't exist and ARROW are NOT LEGALLY ENTITLED TO ENFORCE

        So why are you paying anything? Doesn't make sense!
        Cancel the payments NO NEED TO TELL THEM ANYTHING.

        I can think of a great number of true Charities who would welcome this money!


        • #34
          Hi Roger, from the outset i had to do something over this debt. I asked for agreements etc. they where all kosher. I had to do something to keep the wolf from the door and i agreed payment based on the enforceable agreements they had. There was no alternative at the time. Its been subsequently picked up on that AG (grnsy) do not have FCA authority, this was not known back then. So like you say, i have paid it since. I'm good at an argument but i'm not so stupid as to argue i do not recognise a debt or refute it when i have infact been paying it for the last ten years. I've made them an offer, i've also told them for various reasons they are not entited to pursue this through a Court. If i do get a CC claim i'll waddle round to JCS to help me, hopefully. If i don't i'll pay an affordable £10 per month. If i win my possible case with AN/Sntnder......... i'll be able to make an offer and put it all to bed.


          • #35
            I think you have missed the point slightly Mary,
            yes you have been paying them, but just because you have paid them doesn’t mean they are entitled to it.
            so if you were to stop paying then what is the worst that can happen?
            they threaten to take you to court, you stand your ground and tell them you are going to defend, now in most peoples mind in your situation, you would be called silly, stupid etc as you have been paying and have acknowledged the debt for so long that there’s no possible way that you could win in court.
            But and it’s a big BUT, if the people you have been paying are not legally entitled to it then they will not have a case in court irrespective of what you have or have not done.
            so if you were to stop then what can they legally do?

            exactly Nothing.

            now I am talking from first hand experience of these exact people that you are dealing with. What you have done by making an offer is demonstrate that you are not aware of the legal requirements which will give them the thought that they can fleece you forever and a day. Had you have known the legal prior to contacting them then your approach I’m sure would have been much different.
            ???????the beauty is though that it is not too late to stop and change things to your advantage.


            • #36
              so stop now learn from mistakes and feel more positive, time spent on this thread has been quite a bit, and circles taken!
              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

              If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


              • #37
                Do not beat yourself up about what has happened in the past. You made decisions based on what you knew. You decided for your own reasons you would rather pay something than battle. If making smallish payments have been affordable and helped your sanity then surely they were worthwhile.

                Debt is stressful so you need to do what is right for you.

                If I were you I would remove the attachments that you have posted as AG will almost certainly be able to identify you from the details you have in the letters.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Pat View Post
                  Do not beat yourself up about what has happened in the past. You made decisions based on what you knew. You decided for your own reasons you would rather pay something than battle. If making smallish payments have been affordable and helped your sanity then surely they were worthwhile.

                  Debt is stressful so you need to do what is right for you.

                  If I were you I would remove the attachments that you have posted as AG will almost certainly be able to identify you from the details you have in the letters.
                  Step back and look at what Arrow have just done!! Threatened with Drydensfairfax !!! Intimidation and yes GREED
                  They have HAD what an est £2540 and marylikes obviously is being threatened!! REMEMBER SHE HAS BEEN PAYING FOR YEARS!!

                  How often have we seen this with AAD Diaries Arrow aren't a Charity they are seeking to maximise their PROFIT on people who have already suffered from trashed Credit.
                  Arrow's intent is to STRESS and yes continue with the BLEEDING of marylikes. AAD helped me and many others TAKE CONTROL of their LIVES and defeat this Intimidation.

                  I stress again ARROW have refered to Drydensfairfax for the PURPOSE of STRESS and Intimidation! And its working. It will continue to work with Arrow's threats and intimidations as long as the DEBTOR dances to ARROW'S tune!
                  They won't go away whilst their clear intended INTIMIDATION is working!

                  Sam Audley
                  If you have received a letter of claim or a County Court Claim from Arrow or Capquest or Arrow or Capquest have obtained a default judgment against you, these claims can be defended. Our view is that these companies once they issue county court proceedings must show us and the courts that they have complied with the statutory requirements of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) and the Law of Property Act 1925. If they have not, then they are not legally entitled to enforce these debts.


                  • #39
                    Sorry Roger
                    you come on all holier than thou but do you know the whole story?
                    I suspect the answer is no you don’t.

                    I was saying everyone has to make a decision that is right for them. For some a CCJ is just not an option.

                    If what you say about your own history is accurate you will appreciate the stress debt can cause. Not everyone deals with stress in the same way, for some it might be the only major stress for others it is the proverbial straw.

                    Instead of making it a one man campaign against financial institutions regardless of the cost, think about the bigger picture and people circumstances. Will you dig Mary out of the shit if your advice turns out to be wrong?


                    • #40
                      Hi , i didn't want to cause a fall out. I have taken notice and advice from all in this thread. Its true, i only knew what i knew at the time. I acknowledged the debt, it was enforcable etc.. i was happy to pay it at a rate that was affordable , that i have done. I found it all stressful at the time, as i had other debts. One i ended up in Court over, i defended myself and negotiated a Tomlin order. I don't want to go through a Court process again if i don't have to. I'm older, and got other problems now. I've not missed a beat with regards to the responses, i've let Dyns Frx know that i know their client is not FCA registered, i have told them i do not believe they are legally entitled to pursue the debt and i have told them i am willing to pay £10 per month. Thats £10 less than i was paying. Its out of my hands after that. If that works for me then great, the information provided to me here has helped and i'll be very happy with that. If not i'll have to go to a Solicitors. I'll keep you posted of their reply.

                      Thanks to all for responses. Its helped me understand it and make my moves.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Pat View Post
                        Sorry Roger
                        you come on all holier than thou but do you know the whole story?
                        I suspect the answer is no you don’t.

                        I was saying everyone has to make a decision that is right for them. For some a CCJ is just not an option.

                        If what you say about your own history is accurate you will appreciate the stress debt can cause. Not everyone deals with stress in the same way, for some it might be the only major stress for others it is the proverbial straw.

                        Instead of making it a one man campaign against financial institutions regardless of the cost, think about the bigger picture and people circumstances. Will you dig Mary out of the shit if your advice turns out to be wrong?
                        May I say Pat, in some circumstances you may well be correct, however when you have a Debt purchaser that has admitted that they are not to be considered the Creditor and they are also not registered with the authoritative body then you are wrong. The behaviour of AGG and DF is akin to no more than the school Bully, have little substance of their own so intimidate others.
                        I suspect that Mary’s credit file is or has been shot for the 6/5years dependant upon location, so the worst is over or being worked through. The chances of a CCJ are slim to zero with AGG and DF, most likely, if Mary fails to respond to a Court claim correctly.
                        JCS have demonstrated many a time that a DP with no substance is well and truly beaten when in a courtroom.
                        So at what cost to Mary?

                        perhaps in this instance an apology to Roger might be in order?


                        • #42

                          You must do what feels right for you, obviously. You say you do not want to go through a court process, yet on another thread you are gearing up to take Santander to court. I just wonder which of these two processes would be the more difficult.


                          • #43
                            Confusion it the operative word?
                            I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                            If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                            • #44
                              onwards and forwards is the thgeme now!
                              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                              If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Timewilltell View Post

                                May I say Pat, in some circumstances you may well be correct, however when you have a Debt purchaser that has admitted that they are not to be considered the Creditor and they are also not registered with the authoritative body then you are wrong. The behaviour of AGG and DF is akin to no more than the school Bully, have little substance of their own so intimidate others.
                                I suspect that Mary’s credit file is or has been shot for the 6/5years dependant upon location, so the worst is over or being worked through. The chances of a CCJ are slim to zero with AGG and DF, most likely, if Mary fails to respond to a Court claim correctly.
                                JCS have demonstrated many a time that a DP with no substance is well and truly beaten when in a courtroom.
                                So at what cost to Mary?

                                perhaps in this instance an apology to Roger might be in order?
                                My credit file is excellent, has been for many years. The reason my credit file is excellent is that throughout, even when it was bad i had stuff like utilities, insurance , phone bills and i maintained them and they replicated, I have never had a credit card, loan etc... in the last 12 years, so my score looks good. But i'm not interested in that. I've maintained my Tomlin order, and i've maintained this CCbill with no issue until now. There is no irony wasted on me that the fact i have a good credit score and at the same time my I&E shows i can pay no more that £10 per month. But perhaps , thats how we all got here in the first place?

                                There is also another issue here. Its all very well saying this and that, there is £2k outstanding on my account. What if AGG transfer it to Ag ? Where do i stand then ? May not happen, but what if it does? Bottom line here is that i never came here to get out of my debt, i came here for a way to control it and not let it spiral out of control where i could not handle it all. I got from here exactly what i had hoped for, i was able to sort my debts and get back to some sort of life without worry and fear of the fone or letters.

                                I appreciate you found things that made yours uncollectable or whatever. I'm not ready to take that leap.

