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‘Dispute’ is there a legal definition?

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  • ‘Dispute’ is there a legal definition?

    I have sent a CCA request to a certain Group who have written to say they don’t have the paperwork but will seek to find it somewhere somehow, what intrigues me is they use the word DISPUTE in relation to my request - used AAD template letter- my question is are they trying to put a spin on it to make it look as though I am admitting to the debt by suggesting I’m disputing it? It is close to becoming SB.
    I don’t remember this wording being used on previous CCA request replies from other Leeches? Am I over thinking?

  • #2
    No the letters are first class so do not see what is not there
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    • #3
      If someone claims that you stole a million £'s, and you dispute that claim, you are not admitting that you did it- are you?


      • #4
        ".. they don’t have the paperwork but will seek to find it somewhere somehow, what intrigues me is they use the word DISPUTE in relation to my request.."
        Well the CCA s.78 (plus £1) is a Consumer's Right. The AAD Template is carefully worded
        "..I require that you provide me with a true copy, or reconstituted copy of the credit agreement relating to any account YOU DEEM TO BE MINE .."

        They have claimed they have been Assigned ownership of a CCA account!
        Now as they claim to be the Owners of an Account DEEMED to BE yours they are responsible for fulfilling your legal S.78 request!
        But note they have admitted THEY DON'T HAVE THE PAPERWORK.

        From now on SILENCE! Sit on your hands!
        Because your account is UE until they can supply an EN CCA.


        • #5
          Yes thanks Roger, I am aware of the process and have been practicing it for a number of years now, hands are rather flat!

          I suppose I see it that I am not disputing anything merely asking for what I am legally allowed to have if the debt is associated with me?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Timewilltell View Post
            Yes thanks Roger, I am aware of the process and have been practicing it for a number of years now, hands are rather flat!
            I suppose I see it that I am not disputing anything merely asking for what I am legally allowed to have if the debt is associated with me?
            That's you calling their bluff! Taking control rather than dancing to their tune!

