Hi everyone,
First timer here, so I hope I am posting in the right section.
To cut a long story short, I got myself into a lot of debt (after a messy divorce, depression, online gambling addiction) which culminated in a DMP with CCCS in July,2008. All my creditors stopped adding interest, except Barclaycard, at the time. My DMP ticked along until March 2012 (during which period I payed back almost £90 000 of original debts totaling approximately £133 000), I then, unfortunately, had a crisis with my ongoing poor mental health (not helped by debt), and as an aftermath to a serious suicide attempt, lost my job, had my house repossessed and left the country for a year to spend time with family in South Africa. I cancelled my DMP after all this happened, and my last payment to CCCS for my debts was on 1/3/12..
I returned home to the UK in September 2013 and have slowly been rebuilding my life, getting my career back on track etc. Since my return, I have moved several times, but each time, eventually the DCA's have tracked me down and I have received an endless number of requests for payment for my various credit cards and loans which I have ignored. None of the DCA's have received any acknowledgement of debt from me since my last payments to them through CCCS towards the end of March 2012.
I received a Pre Action Protocol letter from Restons Solicitors dated 29/1/18 and would appreciate some advice on what to do next.
They are chasing an MBNA credit card debt, currently with DCA MFS Portfolio Ltd (Cabot) for £3852.09.
The details they have provided regarding the debt are as follows:
Original Creditor: MBNA
Type of Account: Credit Card
Original Account Number: 4129xxxxxxxxx744
Account Open Date: 25 September 2001
Termination Date: 19 March 2013
Date of assignment: 31 October 2014
Last payment date: 18 February 2013
The last payment date they state is definitely not true, Firstly, I was not in the country nor did I have any money to make a payment, and secondly, I have a copy my MBNA credit card statement dated 14 April 2012, clearly showing a payment of £252.68 on 26 March 2012, leaving a balance of £3852.09 which is exactly the balance they are chasing me for. Why it took them almost a year to default on 19/3/13 is a mystery to me.
So I would like some advice on how to fill out the reply form provided with the letter of claim. Should I tick box D saying I dispute the debt and if so, what should I give as my reasons? Or should I tick box C which says I don't know whether I owe the debt?
And from what I have read on the forums here, I presume a CCA request is also recommended. Who do I request this from? MBNA? or the DCA Cabot? Do I use the reply form that came with the letter?
I am also aware that this debt is tantalisingly close to statute barred if I am correct in my thinking?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
First timer here, so I hope I am posting in the right section.
To cut a long story short, I got myself into a lot of debt (after a messy divorce, depression, online gambling addiction) which culminated in a DMP with CCCS in July,2008. All my creditors stopped adding interest, except Barclaycard, at the time. My DMP ticked along until March 2012 (during which period I payed back almost £90 000 of original debts totaling approximately £133 000), I then, unfortunately, had a crisis with my ongoing poor mental health (not helped by debt), and as an aftermath to a serious suicide attempt, lost my job, had my house repossessed and left the country for a year to spend time with family in South Africa. I cancelled my DMP after all this happened, and my last payment to CCCS for my debts was on 1/3/12..
I returned home to the UK in September 2013 and have slowly been rebuilding my life, getting my career back on track etc. Since my return, I have moved several times, but each time, eventually the DCA's have tracked me down and I have received an endless number of requests for payment for my various credit cards and loans which I have ignored. None of the DCA's have received any acknowledgement of debt from me since my last payments to them through CCCS towards the end of March 2012.
I received a Pre Action Protocol letter from Restons Solicitors dated 29/1/18 and would appreciate some advice on what to do next.
They are chasing an MBNA credit card debt, currently with DCA MFS Portfolio Ltd (Cabot) for £3852.09.
The details they have provided regarding the debt are as follows:
Original Creditor: MBNA
Type of Account: Credit Card
Original Account Number: 4129xxxxxxxxx744
Account Open Date: 25 September 2001
Termination Date: 19 March 2013
Date of assignment: 31 October 2014
Last payment date: 18 February 2013
The last payment date they state is definitely not true, Firstly, I was not in the country nor did I have any money to make a payment, and secondly, I have a copy my MBNA credit card statement dated 14 April 2012, clearly showing a payment of £252.68 on 26 March 2012, leaving a balance of £3852.09 which is exactly the balance they are chasing me for. Why it took them almost a year to default on 19/3/13 is a mystery to me.
So I would like some advice on how to fill out the reply form provided with the letter of claim. Should I tick box D saying I dispute the debt and if so, what should I give as my reasons? Or should I tick box C which says I don't know whether I owe the debt?
And from what I have read on the forums here, I presume a CCA request is also recommended. Who do I request this from? MBNA? or the DCA Cabot? Do I use the reply form that came with the letter?
I am also aware that this debt is tantalisingly close to statute barred if I am correct in my thinking?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.