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IDem refusing to default

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  • IDem refusing to default

    hi can anyone help I took a loan with Egg in 2009 for 6000.0 monthly payments 164.54. I ran into financial difficulties February 2009 and was paying 35/month until I went on a Dmp with StepChange where I never paid over 20/month. I went self managed in 2017 was paying 23/month this changed November 2017 to 1/month.
    I have asked them to default but they won’t stating. A default should not be applied to a credit record whilst an agreed payment or payment through a DMP are being maintained.
    Any advice would be gratefully received

  • #2
    Originally posted by Weakmoments View Post
    took a loan with Egg in 2009 for 6000.0 monthly payments 164.54. I ran into financial difficulties February 2009 and was paying 35/month until I went on a Dmp with StepChange where I never paid over 20/month. I went self managed in 2017 was paying 23/month this changed November 2017 to 1/month.
    I have asked them to default but they won’t stating. A default should not be applied to a credit record whilst an agreed payment or payment through a DMP are being maintained.

    Has this Egg debt been assigned (i.e. sold) to Idem (your thread title)?

    I think it should have been defaulted before it was terminate and sold (if it was).

    You say the loan started in 2009 but it appears you stopped paying the contractual amount shortly after. When would the loan have expired if it had run the full length of the original agreement?



    • #3
      Thankyou for you response sorry I took it out August 2009 and it would of ended July 2014. I made reduced payments from February 2013 ( previously made typo sorry).


      • #4
        Egg sold the original loan to Britanica Recoveries in July 2011 they then sold it to Idem capital securities in August 2014.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Weakmoments View Post
          Egg sold the original loan to Britanica Recoveries in July 2011 they then sold it to Idem capital securities in August 2014.
          Okay, so since this debt has been assigned twice then the current owner (Idem) would have to prove both assignments if they wanted to enforce this debt in court.

          If the first assignment is flawed then the current owner may not actually ‘own’ the debt for enforcement purposes. Maybe the first assignment is good but I thought I should make you aware of all the possible legal twists and turns with debts

          Have you ever sent a section 77 CCA Request to Idem (or anyone else) ?

          Non compliance with that request by the statutory timeframe would make the debt unenforceable in court until or unless they do comply.

          I’m aware your original question was about the fact you believe the debt hasn’t been defaulted but that question actually raises other questions.



          • #6
            Thanks Di for your response, I did send a CCA request and they sent back In compliance of section 77 of the CCA enclosing a copy of executed credit agreement, copy of the terms and conditions and a statement of account. But this only is for Egg x


            • #7
              I know this sounds really obvious and I am sure you have done it

              Have you checked on your credit file- does the account appear?

              If it was defaulted back in 2010 it would no longer be on your credit file

              The ICO guidance from back in 2010 certainly said accounts should be defaulted within an appropriate time - I might have a copy somewhere but it will take me a while to look. The new arrangements cam into force in Jan 2014


              • #8
                These were in place from 2007 until 31st Dec 2013 I think ICO Guidance.pdf


                • #9
                  Thankyou for your response Warwick.
                  I have checked on my credit file and yes it does appear on my credit file as late payment
                  I took out the loan in 2009 made the contracted payments until February 2013 when I was in the process of entering a DMP,
                  Im sorry if I was unclear previously.


                  • #10
                    So by my calculations the old guidance should have been used.

                    As you are paying there is no danger of acknowleding the debt so I would be writing to Idem with a copy of the old guidelines so they change it.
                    I would also SAR egg to see if they did actually default the actually before selling it in. Brittanic were based in Luxembourg and as far as I am aware would not have been authorised to hold a live account.

                    I would also report to the credit reference agencies but maybe wait until you have your SAR back.

                    Did you have PPI on the loan


                    • #11
                      Thanks Warwick I will SAR Egg.
                      I never had any PPI


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Weakmoments View Post
                        Thanks Di for your response, I did send a CCA request and they sent back In compliance of section 77 of the CCA enclosing a copy of executed credit agreement, copy of the terms and conditions and a statement of account. But this only is for Egg x
                        Have you sent this copy of Agreement to Niddy for his opinion as to whether or not it is enforceable? If not I would recommend doing so.


                        • #13
                          Thanks for your response Still Waving, Yes I have sent this to Niddy today and he has said its not enforceable.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Weakmoments View Post
                            I have sent this to Niddy today and he has said its not enforceable.

                            If you’ve been told the credit agreement is unenforceable then consider whether you should make a fuss about the default issue now or whether you should just keep quiet until they start to make any noises.

                            From what you say the debt has been assigned twice so I don’t know why it wasn’t defaulted before it was terminated by Egg and sold since that could cause Idem problems if they attempted to enforce the debt in court.

                            Dont tell them what the potential flaws are in case they try to remedy them.

                            Keep a screenshot of your CRA file showing it’s not been defaulted as you never know when that might come in handy



                            • #15
                              Thanks Di since I know it’s unenforceable I’m not going to do anything more plus I’ve got their letter regarding the updating of my credit file.

