I understand that a committal to prison may be enforced by magistrates for non payment of council tax
but is used more as an incentive for the debtor to pay up rather than as a punishment.
Is there a mechanism to circumvent all the lengthy preamble before getting to the committal stage by
declaring one's desire or preference for a prison sentence as a matter of choice, by default as it were.
I further understand that the maximum prison term is set at 90 days. What happens on the expiry of the
90 days ? Could the prison sentence be increased ? My circumstances are such that I do not own anything,
am an OAP and my rent is paid for by others. I couple this scenario with a claim by HMRC for an enormous
amount of money. They too make mention that one may go to prison for non payment. When I confronted
them about the prison option they refused to engage and terminated the call.
Important to note also that although I am penniless I do have food and eat everyday albeit in small amounts.
but is used more as an incentive for the debtor to pay up rather than as a punishment.
Is there a mechanism to circumvent all the lengthy preamble before getting to the committal stage by
declaring one's desire or preference for a prison sentence as a matter of choice, by default as it were.
I further understand that the maximum prison term is set at 90 days. What happens on the expiry of the
90 days ? Could the prison sentence be increased ? My circumstances are such that I do not own anything,
am an OAP and my rent is paid for by others. I couple this scenario with a claim by HMRC for an enormous
amount of money. They too make mention that one may go to prison for non payment. When I confronted
them about the prison option they refused to engage and terminated the call.
Important to note also that although I am penniless I do have food and eat everyday albeit in small amounts.