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6 year payment of CCJ, what happens?

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  • 6 year payment of CCJ, what happens?

    I have been paying a CCJ with regular monthly installments for 6 years ( never defaulted ) the original DCA has now passed on my debt with a new DCA within the same organisation and now want to me set up a new direct debit with them, and cancel the old one. It sounds suspicious to me that this has occurred on the anniversary of 6 years from the court order. Can anyone offer an explanation why they would do that? Is it because the CCJ has come off the register and want to reinstate it, or is it being done to apply pressure on to me to renegotiate and pay more?

    Does the status of the CCJ change after 6 years from a legal perspective making the recovery of the debt less enforceable?

    Any experience on this matter from Forum members would be greatly appreciated.


  • #2

    You don't say which companies are involved here, and I don't know why they have made this move. Not enough information.

    To answer the second question - the CCJ remains in force until paid off. You don't mention the sum involved, but if you ceased making repayments, it is open to the creditor to apply to the court for remedial measures.


    • #3
      Hi Still Waving,

      Thanks for your reply. The DCA was originally Cabot and now Mortimer Clarke, the amount is £12K, does this have any relevance, what are your thoughts?

      What are the 'remedial measures' that they could apply for?

      Is the 6 years coincidental or significant? I still think that there is something not right here, I get the feeling that they are trying to change my agreement in their favour, what do you think?



      • #4
        I was asking which companies because other users have reported that a particular creditor has transferred their accounts to another company within the group. This was not Cabot, so is not relevant.

        I can't speculate as to why Cabot are doing this if you have been making all the required payments.

        If repayments under a CCJ have not been made a creditor can apply, for example, to have bailiffs appointed who can seize and sell property, or the creditor can apply for an attachment of earnings order.

        A CCJ can still be enforced after 6 years.
        Last edited by Still Waving; 2 February 2024, 01:43.


        • #5
          Mortimer Clarke are part of the Cabot Group.
          Its shuffling the paper work around.


          • #6
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            • #7
              This is Brett S Diary

              I suggest you start your own Diary

              Please set out your Diary in the following format
              This will enable AAD members to advise or otherwise

              Type of account -
              Date commenced -
              Approx balance -
              Date last paid -
              Are you on arrangement or not paying -
              Account owner

