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NRAM/northern rock together mortgage

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  • NRAM/northern rock together mortgage

    This is my first post, so please forgive me if I miss any information or the etiquette of the board.

    NRAM - i have an old Northern Rock Together mortgage. Part mortgage part unsecured loan, taken out in 2007 for £30,000.
    We are on a self managed DMP paying them a reduced agreed amount.

    We recently made a full and final offer on our NRAM loan which they have turned down, we increased it slightly and they have turned it down again. Yesterday on the phone they gave no real reason, and although the letter said call to discuss your options, we were told it was either carry on as we are or pay the full amount (not really options!)
    When questioned the guy on the phone said part of the reason it was turned down was because we left stepchange (we went self managed after 1 month), I thought I had read on here that we shouldn't be treated differently if we are self managing. Is there any legislation I can quote to them in a letter regarding this?
    (They guy on the phone also didn't know what a default was??)

    Also they are refusing to default, as it's not their policy.
    We have put in a complaint about this, as without the default they are hindering our chances of ever remortgaging elsewhere in the future.

    Has anyone any advice for moving forward with them. I would really like a default registered if they are not going to accept any offer, so do we have to stop paying to force this, even though we are paying well under the contracted amount?
    As far as I am aware it's enforceable as it was taken out for £30000 before 2008?!?
    Many thanks in advance

  • #2
    A few quick questions before we get started.

    Have you redeemed the mortgage element of the Northern Rock Together product so it's only the "de-linked" unsecured loan which they are chasing? As you are probably acutely aware the interest rate on the unsecured loan would shoot up once the mortgage is redeemed.

    What I would do is send a Subject Access Request to NRAM to get the full history of the account before deciding on the way forward.

    I'm aware of your reference to a loan of £30k starting before 2008 and the regulated v unregulated argument, but that doesn't necessarily mean they did everything correctly at the outset.

    How did you take out the mortgage/loan? Was it through a broker?

    Did you have PPI on either the mortgage or the unsecured loan?

    Was this a joint mortgage?



    • #3
      thanks so much for replying

      currently we are paying the mortgage part separately by standing order (interest only unfortunately). Mortgage payments are all up to date.
      we pay the loan part also by standing order in a separate payment, the last digit on the account number is different for the mortgage and loan.
      but I haven't written to them specifically asking to be de-linked.
      I haven't heard of redeeming the mortgage before

      no interest is being added to the loan at the moment as it's an arrangement to pay.

      it was taken out via a broker

      as far as I'm aware there is no PPI, but I will dig out the paper work and double check this.

      yes joint mortgage


      • #4
        If you're in a DMP then you will probably already have defaults registered, so how long ago did they happen (roughly)? A default drops off your CRA file six years to the day it went on - in fact the whole file vanishes.

        I can see why their refusal to default you is annoying, but perhaps look at things in context. If the other defaults disappear and you don't get a new default from NRAM then you could find yourself with a clean CRA file (although reduced payments on this unsecured loan may flag up).

        If you're in a DMP why don't you post up your other debts to see if any of them are unenforceable. Maybe take a holistic look at things before making a F & F to NRAM if there's no threat of legal action from them.

        Perhaps they're playing nicely because they have a charge on your property for the mortgage so if they got a CCJ against you for the unsecured loan they could then probably also get a CO for that.

        Do you have equity in the property after deducting the outstanding mortgage balance (minus the unsecured loan)?



        • #5
          Thank you
          Unfortunately there's no equity in the house.
          We have a couple of defaults, which only went on file within the last few months.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Heavenlyharry View Post
            NRAM - i have an old Northern Rock Together mortgage. Part mortgage part unsecured loan, taken out in 2007 for £30,000.
            We are on a self managed DMP paying them a reduced agreed amount.

            Also they are refusing to default, as it's not their policy.
            We have put in a complaint about this, as without the default they are hindering our chances of ever remortgaging elsewhere in the future.

            Has anyone any advice for moving forward with them. I would really like a default registered if they are not going to accept any offer, so do we have to stop paying to force this, even though we are paying well under the contracted amount?
            As far as I am aware it's enforceable as it was taken out for £30000 before 2008?!

            What happened to the complaint you made to NRAM?


