Debts purchased by Hoist Finance are often bundled together as investment portfolios. If you receive a claim from this company it will normally be in the name of one of the portfolios. They specialise in acquiring and managing non-performing consumer credit debts from banks, such as Barclays, Egg, HSBC and Santander.
Some of the investment portfolios in the Hoist Finance Group are:
- Hoist Portfolio UK Holdings 1 Limited
- Hoist Portfolio UK Holdings 2 Limited
- Hoist Portfolio Holding1 Limited
- Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Limited
Hoist Portfolio Holding1 Limited and Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Limited are Jersey registered companies that have now been liquidated. If either of the companies obtained a judgment against you by default and you have just discovered it either Hoist Portfolio UK Holdings 1 Limited or Hoist Portfolio UK Holdings 2 Limited will have been assigned the debt and the court should have been notified under what is known as a Global Substitution Order. However, we are aware that the court records have not been updated in a number of cases.
If you have received a letter of claim or a County Court Claim from a Hoist Portfolio company or they have obtained a default judgment against you, these claims can be defended. Our view is that these companies once they issue county court proceedings must show us and the courts that they have complied with the statutory requirements of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) and the Law of Property Act 1925. If they have not, then they are not legally entitled to enforce these debts.