esco customers are being short-changed by promotions which have expired but are still advertised on the shelves, a BBC investigation has found.

It revealed shoppers were overcharged at two-thirds of stores visited by an undercover reporter. In 33 of 50 stores visited, multi-buy promotions were marked on the shelf, but the time-limited discounts were not applied at tills. Tesco said it would double-check the accuracy of pricing at all its stores. A reporter for BBC's Inside Out visited the stores over a three-month period. He found multi-buy deals still on display days, weeks and - in some cases - months after the deductions were no longer being applied at the till. Mistakes only applied to in-store offers, and not those online. he investigation was triggered when discrepancies in receipts were discovered by a member of BBC staff. On one occasion, the reporter told customer service staff at a store in Dudley offers for gingerbread and cat food had not gone through.....Source