Ofgem has ordered "Big Six" energy supplier E.On to pay £7m for failing to supply its business customers with energy-efficient smart meters. The energy regulator found E.On supplied smart meters to fewer than 65% of eligible electricity business customers by an April 2014 deadline. E.On has agreed to pay £7m to the Carbon Trust for missing the deadline. It now has a year to meet a new interim target and could pay a further £7m if it fails to do so. Ofgem warned that if E.On failed to meet its new deadline, it would consider imposing a sales ban preventing E.On from taking on new business customers until it was able to supply them through a smart meter. Ofgem is also investigating the rollout performance of British Gas and Npower. The government gave energy suppliers five years from 2009 to supply smart meters - which monitor electricity and gas consumption more efficiently - to their business customers. Under the scheme, E.On was required to supply its 20,000 business electricity customers with smart meters, But it supplied just under 65%, or 13,000, of those customers, with the new meters......Read more here