this year with worst offender Lloyds losing nine out of ten cases

Banks have unfairly rejected hundreds of thousands of PPI complaints this year, forcing customers to take their case to the official ombudsman where as many and nine in ten are upheld in the their favour. Data from the Financial Ombudsman Service this morning revealed that overall complaints about financial firms rose 15 per cent to 327,035 in the first six months of this year compared to the last six of 2012. The ombudsman, which settles disputes between consumers and financial firms, says the record is due to a huge number of people still claiming for compensation for mis-sold Payment Protection Insurance. PPI accounts for eight out of ten complaints to the FOS and 266,228 - or 10,240 per week – were made in the past six months. Five financial services groups accounted for 78 per cent of all new PPI cases.....Read more here