Tough new laws designed to protect the public from aggressive bailiffs are being implemented by Government. As part of the measures, bailiffs will be banned from entering homes at night or when only children are present. They also include safeguards preventing bailiffs from taking basic household items. Justice Minister Helen Grant said today: ‘There are some very good, reputable bailiffs around, but we know there is bad practice out there that needs to be dealt with. ‘For too long bailiffs have gone unregulated, allowing a small minority to give the industry a bad name. ‘These laws will help to clean up the industry and ensure bailiffs play by the rules. They will also make sure businesses and public bodies can collect their debts fairly.’

The Government has taken action following a consultation last year on aggressive bailiffs. The measures laid in Parliament today are part of a wider package of reforms which will implement Part 3 of the Tribunals, Courts & Enforcement Act 2007. The changes will take effect in April 2014. The new measures will:
  • Stop bailiffs entering homes when only children are present.
  • Ban bailiffs from visiting debtors at night – they will only be allowed to enter between 6am and 9pm.
  • Ban landlords from using bailiffs to seize property for residential rent arrears without going to court.
  • Prevent bailiffs from taking household items, such as a cooker, microwave, refrigerator or washing machine, because they are deemed to be reasonably required to satisfy the basic domestic needs of the debtor.
  • Ensure a notice period of seven days is given to the debtor before bailiffs take control of the debtor’s goods.
  • Ban bailiffs from selling goods removed from a debtor, unless seven days have passed from the date the goods were removed.

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