Debit and credit card fraud has increased as con-artists turn to unsophisticated snatching and Pin theft, an industry body has said. Total losses on UK cards hit £185m in the first six months of the year, a 9% rise on first half of 2011, the UK Cards Association said. Fraudsters distract consumers in shops and at cash machines to steal cards. Another scam involves tricking cardholders out of their Pin by calling in the guise of their bank. The fraud starts with the victim, often an older person, receiving an unsolicited call from someone claiming to be from their bank and suggesting their card needs replacing. The caller often suggests the person should hang up and call the bank back to ensure the call is genuine. However, by giving a bogus number or staying on the line, the fraudster can then pretend to be from the bank.....Read more here: Card fraud rises as con-artists use old tricks