Spot checks on sick benefit staff ordered to be 'nicer'
Originally posted by 5corpio
The man responsible for improving a controversial sickness benefit test has told the BBC he is going to make unannounced visits to job centres. Professor Malcolm Harrington will do the spot checks to see if changes he has recommended to a test for people claiming Employment and Support Allowance are actually happening. He told Radio 4's You and Yours that staff should be "nicer to people".

All claimants are being reassessed to see if they are fit to work.
To be eligible to continue receiving the benefit, people have to undergo a medical test called a Work Capability Assessment - introduced by the last Labour government. Complaints The coalition government asked Prof Harrington to review the test after complaints from disabled people, doctors, and charities that people were wrongly being found capable of working and losing benefit money as a result and that 40% of decisions were being overturned on....