PMQs: Leaders Clash On Plans For Big Society

David Cameron and Ed Miliband have clashed over the Government's Big Society at Prime Minister's Questions.

After a series of setbanks for the policy,....

Lib Dem Peer Quits Over 'Pitiful' Bank Deal

The Liberal Democrats' Treasury spokesman in the House of Lords has stepped down after criticising the Government's deal with the banks.

Lord Oakeshott had given up the role "by mutual agreement", Lib Dem Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander said.
Earlier, the peer branded the long-awaited deal with the UK's biggest banks as "pitiful" and the Treasury negotiators were "incompetent".
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is said to be "furious" at Lord Oakeshott's comments.
The banks pledged to cut bonuses, publish the pay of their highest earning executives and increase lending to.....last up date 9th Feb @8pm

The Liberal Democrats' Treasury spokesman in the House of Lords has stepped down after criticising the Government's deal with the banks.

The Liberal Democrats' Treasury spokesman in the House of Lords has stepped down after criticising the Government's deal with the banks.......Read More here: Sky News