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Dispute with Southern Water - enter the DCA

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  • Dispute with Southern Water - enter the DCA

    Hi, I disputed my last bill with Southern Water, I knew at the time it was probably futile but a small gesture against the mad bonuses still being paid out and the dreadful sewage over flows in our local area. During the entailing email dialogue they placed a £45 charge on my account as it was deemed overdue. I settled the account in full but refused to pay the charge as I maintained it should never have been added while the account was still in dispute. So far I've heard nothing from SW about the charge and they have now escalated it to DCA UKSEARCH Ltd.

    Am I right in thinking that it should not have been put on the account? So far I've ignored the please settle this now email invitations from UKS but the latest one suggests a kind agent will be calling round to "connect me to UKS who would like to understand why you havn't paid'

    It does sound a bit like the mythical 'Mr White' who gets mentioned here ocasionally from one of the other DCA's when threatening doorstep action but who never actually attends.

    What would you suggest as the best next step for me to bring this to a close. Will they really go to court for £45?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.